Kuran Wiki was established for learning the Quran correctly, correcting known mistakes and distortions in religion. Our site is designed to show how to become a better person and believer only by accepting the Quran as a guide.
Our goal is to show the truth about the misinformations about Islam by citing Quranic examples. All information about Islam without citing the Quran is considered false, corrupted and made up by humans. The Quran is the word of Allah and the one and only source of Islam. There is no other source other than the Quran that guides to the straight path.
Today, most of the things that are told or said under the name of Islam are either twisted or fabricated based on sources other than the Qur'an. Believing in irrational, superstitions and fabricated information while We have the Quran to read and understand, would turn us away from the light of Allah and the straight path.
Kuran.wiki was designed to make reading and understanding of Quran easy and simply for
all humanity. We should try to make ourselves better with the information of the Quran. It really does not make any sense believing superstitions and
false informations while We can read the truth ourselves.
Our website was prepared with the most comprehensive and most knowledgeable sources with true clarity and impartiality. These sources were accepted as the leading Quran and Islam knowledge bases. Some of these are;
You can reach us by using the form below. Our site is under constant changes and improvements. There could be errors or mispelling due this, if you would like to report these or just get in touch with us with a suggestion you can do so below.