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Surah Luqman

Surah Luqman (Luqman) is the 31. surah in Quran.Luqman surah is listed as the 57. by revelation order.

The meaning of surah Luqman is Luqman. In total this surah is consist of 34 auahs. You can read Luqman by word by word if you would like to examine it in details or click one of the ayahs below to check that ayah only.

It is considered to be a Meccan surah as it was revealed in the middle of Muhammad's Meccan period.  The surah takes its name from the mention of the sage Luqman and his advice to his son in verses 12–19.

The surah talks about the importance of moderation in our daily lives, as too much of anything is bad. Modesty is important and encouraged. Any evil or good deed no matter how small is recorded and will be brought out by Allah on the Day of Judgement. The prophet again warned not to be sad for disbelievers. God’s intention was to better mankind and road to is from be a good person on earth.

The surah teaches that those who are following Shirk are only blindly following their forefathers. The true wisdom is to believe in Allah. It re-affirms gratitude and obedience to one’s parents as in other verses. The surah encourages kinship but as the last verse mentions, on the day of judgment they can’t save you. 

Alif, Lām, Meem.
These are verses of the wise Book,
Tilka Aayaatul Kitaabil Hakeem
تلك ءايـت ٱلكتـب ٱلحكيم
As guidance and mercy for the doers of good
Hudanw wa rahmatal lilmuhsineen
هدى ورحمة للمحسنين
Who establish prayer and give zakāh, and they, of the Hereafter, are certain [in faith].
Allazeena yuqeemoonas Salaata wa yu’toonaz Zakaata wa hum bil Aakhirati hum yooqinoon
ٱلذين يقيمون ٱلصلوة ويؤتون ٱلزكوة وهم بٱلـاخرة هم يوقنون
Those are on [right] guidance from their Lord, and it is those who are the successful.
Ulaaa’ika ‘alaa hudam mir Rabbihim wa ulaaa’ika humul muflihoon
أولـئك على هدى من ربهم وأولـئك هم ٱلمفلحون
And of the people is he who buys the amusement of speech to mislead [others] from the way of Allāh without knowledge and who takes it [i.e., His way] in ridicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment.
Wa minan naasi mai-yashtaree lahwal haddesi li yudilla ‘an sabeelil laahi bighairi ‘ilminw wa yattakhizahaa huzuwaa; ulaaa’ika lahum ‘azaabum muheen
ومن ٱلناس من يشترى لهو ٱلحديث ليضل عن سبيل ٱلله بغير علم ويتخذها هزوا أولـئك لهم عذاب مهين
And when Our verses are recited to him, he turns away arrogantly as if he had not heard them, as if there was in his ears deafness. So give him tidings of a painful punishment.
Wa izaa tutlaa ‘alayhi Aayaatunaa wallaa mustakbiran ka al lam yasma’haa ka anna feee uzunaihi waqran fabash shiru bi’azaabin aleem
وإذا تتلى عليه ءايـتنا ولى مستكبرا كأن لم يسمعها كأن فى أذنيه وقرا فبشره بعذاب أليم
Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds - for them are the Gardens of Pleasure,
Innal lazeena aamanoo wa ‘amilus saalihaati lahum Janaatun Na’eem
إن ٱلذين ءامنوا وعملوا ٱلصـلحـت لهم جنـت ٱلنعيم
Wherein they abide eternally; [it is] the promise of Allāh [which is] truth. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
Khaalideena feeha wa’dal laahi haqqaa; wa Huwal ‘Azeezul Hakeem
خـلدين فيها وعد ٱلله حقا وهو ٱلعزيز ٱلحكيم
He created the heavens without pillars that you see and has cast into the earth firmly set mountains, lest it should shift with you, and dispersed therein from every creature. And We sent down rain from the sky and made grow therein [plants] of every noble kind.
Khalaqas samaawaati bi ghairi ‘amadin tarawnahaa wa alqaa fil ardi rawaasiya an tameeda bikum wa bassa feehaa min kulli daaabbah; wa anzalnaa minas samaaa’i maaa’an fa ambatnaa feeha min kulli zawjin kareem
خلق ٱلسمـوت بغير عمد ترونها وألقى فى ٱلأرض روسى أن تميد بكم وبث فيها من كل دابة وأنزلنا من ٱلسماء ماء فأنبتنا فيها من كل زوج كريم
This is the creation of Allāh. So show Me what those other than Him have created. Rather, the wrongdoers are in clear error.
Haazaa khalqul laahi fa aroonee maazaa khalaqal lazeena min doonih; baliz zaalimoona fee dalalim Mubeen (section 1)
هـذا خلق ٱلله فأرونى ماذا خلق ٱلذين من دونهۦ بل ٱلظـلمون فى ضلـل مبين
And We had certainly given Luqmān wisdom [and said], "Be grateful to Allāh." And whoever is grateful is grateful for [the benefit of] himself. And whoever denies [His favor] - then indeed, Allāh is Free of need and Praiseworthy.
Wa laqad aatainaa Luqmaanal hikmata anishkur lillaah; wa many yashkur fa innamaa yashkuru linafsihee wa man kafara fa innal laaha Ghaniyyun Hameed
ولقد ءاتينا لقمـن ٱلحكمة أن ٱشكر لله ومن يشكر فإنما يشكر لنفسهۦ ومن كفر فإن ٱلله غنى حميد
And [mention, O Muḥammad], when Luqmān said to his son while he was instructing him, "O my son, do not associate [anything] with Allāh. Indeed, association [with Him] is great injustice."
Wa iz qaala luqmaanu libnihee wa huwa ya’izuhoo ya bunaiya laa tushrik billaah; innash shirka lazulmun ‘azeem
وإذ قال لقمـن لٱبنهۦ وهو يعظهۥ يـبنى لا تشرك بٱلله إن ٱلشرك لظلم عظيم
And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents. His mother carried him, [increasing her] in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the [final] destination.
Wa wassainal insaana bi waalidaihi hamalat hu ummuhoo wahnan ‘alaa wahninw wa fisaaluhoo fee ‘aamaini anishkur lee wa liwaalidaika ilaiyal maseer
ووصينا ٱلإنسـن بولديه حملته أمهۥ وهنا على وهن وفصـلهۥ فى عامين أن ٱشكر لى ولولديك إلى ٱلمصير
But if they endeavor to make you associate with Me that of which you have no knowledge, do not obey them but accompany them in [this] world with appropriate kindness and follow the way of those who turn back to Me [in repentance]. Then to Me will be your return, and I will inform you about what you used to do.
Wa in jaahadaaka ‘alaaa an tushrika bee maa laisa laka bihee ‘ilmun falaa tuti’humaa wa saahib humaa fid dunyaa ma’roofanw wattabi’ sabeela man anaaba ilayy; summa ilaiya marji’ukum fa unabbi’ukum bimaa kuntum ta’maloon
وإن جـهداك على أن تشرك بى ما ليس لك بهۦ علم فلا تطعهما وصاحبهما فى ٱلدنيا معروفا وٱتبع سبيل من أناب إلى ثم إلى مرجعكم فأنبئكم بما كنتم تعملون
[And Luqmān said], "O my son, indeed if it [i.e., a wrong] should be the weight of a mustard seed and should be within a rock or [anywhere] in the heavens or in the earth, Allāh will bring it forth. Indeed, Allāh is Subtle and Aware.
Ya bunaiya innahaaa in taku misqaala habbatim min khardalin fatakun fee sakhratin aw fis samaawaati aw fil ardi yaati bi Allah; innal laaha lateefun Khabeer
يـبنى إنها إن تك مثقال حبة من خردل فتكن فى صخرة أو فى ٱلسمـوت أو فى ٱلأرض يأت بها ٱلله إن ٱلله لطيف خبير
O my son, establish prayer, enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, [all] that is of the matters [requiring] resolve.
Yaa bunaiya aqimis-Salaata waamur bilma’roofi wanha ‘anil munkari wasbir ‘alaa maaa asaabaka inna zaalika min ‘azmil umoor
يـبنى أقم ٱلصلوة وأمر بٱلمعروف وٱنه عن ٱلمنكر وٱصبر على ما أصابك إن ذلك من عزم ٱلأمور
And do not turn your cheek [in contempt] toward people and do not walk through the earth exultantly. Indeed, Allāh does not like everyone self-deluded and boastful.
Wa laa tusa’-‘ir khaddaka linnaasi wa laa tamshi fil ardi maarahan innal laaha laa yuhibbu kulla mukhtaalin fakhoor
ولا تصعر خدك للناس ولا تمش فى ٱلأرض مرحا إن ٱلله لا يحب كل مختال فخور
And be moderate in your pace and lower your voice; indeed, the most disagreeable of sounds is the voice of donkeys."
Waqsid fee mashyika waghdud min sawtik; inna ankaral aswaati lasawtul hameer (section 2)
وٱقصد فى مشيك وٱغضض من صوتك إن أنكر ٱلأصوت لصوت ٱلحمير
Do you not see that Allāh has made subject to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth and amply bestowed upon you His favors, [both] apparent and unapparent? But of the people is he who disputes about Allāh without knowledge or guidance or an enlightening Book [from Him].
Alam taraw annal laaha sakhkhara lakum maa fis sa maawaati wa maa fil ardi wa asbagha ‘alaikum ni’amahoo zaahiratanw wa baatinah; wa minan naasi many yujaadilu fil laahi bighayri ‘ilminw wa laa hudanw wa laa Kitaabim muneer
ألم تروا أن ٱلله سخر لكم ما فى ٱلسمـوت وما فى ٱلأرض وأسبغ عليكم نعمهۥ ظـهرة وباطنة ومن ٱلناس من يجـدل فى ٱلله بغير علم ولا هدى ولا كتـب منير
And when it is said to them, "Follow what Allāh has revealed," they say, "Rather, we will follow that upon which we found our fathers." Even if Satan was inviting them to the punishment of the Blaze?
Wa izaa qeela lahumut-tabi’oo maaa anzalal laahu qaaloo bal nattabi’u maa wajadnaa ‘alaihi aabaaa’anaa; awalaw kaanash Shaitaanu yad’oohum ilaa ‘azaabis sa’eer
وإذا قيل لهم ٱتبعوا ما أنزل ٱلله قالوا بل نتبع ما وجدنا عليه ءاباءنا أولو كان ٱلشيطـن يدعوهم إلى عذاب ٱلسعير
And whoever submits his face [i.e., self] to Allāh while he is a doer of good - then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold. And to Allāh will be the outcome of [all] matters.
Wa many yuslim wajha hooo ilal laahi wa huwa muhsinun faqadistamsaka bil’ur watil wusqaa; wa ilal laahi ‘aaqibatul umoor
ومن يسلم وجههۥ إلى ٱلله وهو محسن فقد ٱستمسك بٱلعروة ٱلوثقى وإلى ٱلله عـقبة ٱلأمور
And whoever has disbelieved - let not his disbelief grieve you. To Us is their return, and We will inform them of what they did. Indeed, Allāh is Knowing of that within the breasts.
Wa man kafara falaa yahzunka kufruh; ilainaa marji’uhum fanunabbi’uhum bimaa ‘amiloo; innal laaha ‘aleemum bizaatis sudoor
ومن كفر فلا يحزنك كفرهۥ إلينا مرجعهم فننبئهم بما عملوا إن ٱلله عليم بذات ٱلصدور
We grant them enjoyment for a little; then We will force them to a massive punishment.
Numatti’uhum qaleelan summa nadtarruhum ilaa ‘azaabin ghaleez
نمتعهم قليلا ثم نضطرهم إلى عذاب غليظ
And if you asked them, "Who created the heavens and earth?" they would surely say, "Allāh." Say, "[All] praise is [due] to Allāh"; but most of them do not know.
Wa la’in sa altahum man khalaqas samaawaati wal arda la yaqoolunnal laah; qulil hamdu lillaah; bal aksaruhum laa ya’lamoon
ولئن سألتهم من خلق ٱلسمـوت وٱلأرض ليقولن ٱلله قل ٱلحمد لله بل أكثرهم لا يعلمون
To Allāh belongs whatever is in the heavens and earth. Indeed, Allāh is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy.
Lillahi ma fis samaa waati wal ard; innal laaha Huwal Ghaniyyul Hameed
لله ما فى ٱلسمـوت وٱلأرض إن ٱلله هو ٱلغنى ٱلحميد
And if whatever trees upon the earth were pens and the sea [was ink], replenished thereafter by seven [more] seas, the words of Allāh would not be exhausted. Indeed, Allāh is Exalted in Might and Wise.
Wa law annamaa fil ardi min shajaratin aqlaamunw wal bahru yamudduhoo mim ba’dihee sab’atu abhurim maa nafidat Kalimaatul laah; innal laaha ‘azeezun Hakeem
ولو أنما فى ٱلأرض من شجرة أقلـم وٱلبحر يمدهۥ من بعدهۦ سبعة أبحر ما نفدت كلمـت ٱلله إن ٱلله عزيز حكيم
Your creation and your resurrection will not be but as that of a single soul. Indeed, Allāh is Hearing and Seeing.
Maa khalqukum wa laa ba’sukum illaa kanafsinw-waa hidah; innal laaha Samee’um Baseer
ما خلقكم ولا بعثكم إلا كنفس وحدة إن ٱلله سميع بصير
Do you not see [i.e., know] that Allāh causes the night to enter the day and causes the day to enter the night and has subjected the sun and the moon, each running [its course] for a specified term, and that Allāh, of whatever you do, is Aware?
Alam tara annal laaha yoolijul laila fin nahaari wa yoolijun nahaara fil laili wa sakhkharash shamsa wal qamara kulluny yajreee ilaaa ajalim musammanw wa annal laaha bimaa ta’maloona Khabeer
ألم تر أن ٱلله يولج ٱليل فى ٱلنهار ويولج ٱلنهار فى ٱليل وسخر ٱلشمس وٱلقمر كل يجرى إلى أجل مسمى وأن ٱلله بما تعملون خبير
That is because Allāh is the True Reality, and that what they call upon other than Him is falsehood, and because Allāh is the Most High, the Grand.
Zaalika bi annal laaha Huwal Haqqu wa anna maa yad’oona min doonihil baatilu wa annal laaha Huwal ‘Aliyyul Kabeer (section 3)
ذلك بأن ٱلله هو ٱلحق وأن ما يدعون من دونه ٱلبـطل وأن ٱلله هو ٱلعلى ٱلكبير
Do you not see that ships sail through the sea by the favor of Allāh that He may show you of His signs? Indeed in that are signs for everyone patient and grateful.
Alam tara annal fulka tajree fil bahri bini’matil laahi li yuriyakum min Aayaatih; inna fee zaalika la Aayaatil likulli sabbaarin shakoor
ألم تر أن ٱلفلك تجرى فى ٱلبحر بنعمت ٱلله ليريكم من ءايـتهۦ إن فى ذلك لـايـت لكل صبار شكور
And when waves come over them like canopies, they supplicate Allāh, sincere to Him in religion [i.e., faith]. But when He delivers them to the land, there are [some] of them who are moderate [in faith]. And none rejects Our signs except everyone treacherous and ungrateful.
Wa izaa ghashiyahum mawjun kazzulali da’a-wul laaha mukhliseena lahud deena fa lammaa najjaahum ilal barri faminhum muqtasid; wa maa yajhadu bi Aayaatinaa illaa kullu khattaarin kafoor
وإذا غشيهم موج كٱلظلل دعوا ٱلله مخلصين له ٱلدين فلما نجىهم إلى ٱلبر فمنهم مقتصد وما يجحد بـايـتنا إلا كل ختار كفور
O mankind, fear your Lord and fear a Day when no father will avail his son, nor will a son avail his father at all. Indeed, the promise of Allāh is truth, so let not the worldly life delude you and be not deceived about Allāh by the Deceiver [i.e., Satan].
Yaaa ayyuhan naasuttaqoo Rabbakum wakhshaw Yawmal laa yajzee waalidun ‘anw waladihee wa laa mawloodun huwa jaazin ‘anw waalidihee shai’aa; innaa wa’dal laahi haqqun falaa taghurran nakumul hayaatud dunyaa wa laa yaghur rannakum billaahil gharoor
يـأيها ٱلناس ٱتقوا ربكم وٱخشوا يوما لا يجزى والد عن ولدهۦ ولا مولود هو جاز عن والدهۦ شيـا إن وعد ٱلله حق فلا تغرنكم ٱلحيوة ٱلدنيا ولا يغرنكم بٱلله ٱلغرور
Indeed, Allāh [alone] has knowledge of the Hour and sends down the rain and knows what is in the wombs. And no soul perceives what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul perceives in what land it will die. Indeed, Allāh is Knowing and Aware.
Innal laaha ‘indahoo ‘ilmus saa’ati wa yunazzilul ghaisa wa ya’lamu maa fil arhaami wa maa tadree nafsum maazaa taksibu ghadaa; wa maa tadree nafsum bi ayyi ardin tamoot; innal laaha ‘Aleemun Khabeer (section 4)
إن ٱلله عندهۥ علم ٱلساعة وينزل ٱلغيث ويعلم ما فى ٱلأرحام وما تدرى نفس ماذا تكسب غدا وما تدرى نفس بأى أرض تموت إن ٱلله عليم خبير
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