Surah Sad (Sad) is the 38. surah in Quran.Sad surah is listed as the 38. by revelation order.
The meaning of surah Sad is Sad. In total this surah is consist of 88 auahs. You can read Sad by
word by word if you would like to examine it in details or click one of the ayahs below to check that
ayah only.
It is considered to be an Meccan surah as it was revealed in the second period of Mecca. The name of the Surah is the 18. Letter of the Arabic alphabet.
The Surah can be divided into three primary sections: the first from verses 1–11; the second, 12–64; the third, 66–88. The first and third sections, similar in length, remind the reader of the power of God and the Qur'an by describing destruction and hell, the third section going so far as to describe the creation of evil: the fall of Iblis, who becomes Satan.The second section (12-64) gives examples of biblical figures like David, Solomon, and Job to Muhammad as Messengers who also faced adversity.
The Surah covers the basic message of all the Prophets. They came to teach oneness of God and went through hardship delivering Allah’s message. They were harassed and attacked but eventually the truth prevailed and falsehood was defeated.
Surah Sad also teaches a lesson on power and riches. Those with wealth have it because of Allah’s will but some mistake this privilege and they become prideful and arrogant as they believe they are special. Allah give’s example of David and Soloman who were great prophets and powerful kings but they obeyed Allah and their riches did not corrupt. Allah describes both heaven and hell in detail in this chapter and also addresses topics of monotheism and the day of resurrection.