Surah Ghafir (The Forgiver) is the 40. surah in Quran.Ghafir surah is listed as the 60. by revelation order.
The meaning of surah Ghafir is The Forgiver. In total this surah is consist of 85 auahs. You can read Ghafir by word by word if you would like to examine it in details or click one of the ayahs below to check that ayah only.
It is considered to be a Meccan Surah as it was revealed in Mecca. This surah is also known as Al-Mu-min (The Believer). It takes its name from ayah 3, from one of God’s divine names.
The Quran was revealed by the only true God. Only the unbelievers deny it and they will be punished and their repentance in hell will be in vain. Judgment day will come suddenly as only God knows its time.
The surah tells the story of Moses and Pharoah again. In the end, however mighty the Pharaoh was, He was destroyed by God and was sentenced to eternal hell-fire.
Muhammad was commanded to be patient and ask pardon for his sin.God manifested to creation but only the true believers can understand it. God the Sovereign Creator of all things. No apostle ever wrought miracles without God’s permission.