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Surah Muhammad

Surah Muhammad (Muhammad) is the 47. surah in Quran.Muhammad surah is listed as the 95. by revelation order.

The meaning of surah Muhammad is Muhammad. In total this surah is consist of 38 auahs. You can read Muhammad by word by word if you would like to examine it in details or click one of the ayahs below to check that ayah only.

It is considered to be a Meccan Surah as it was believed to be revealed in Mecca. The surah takes its name from the direct mentioning of the prophet Muhammad in ayah 2.

The Surah talks about the struggle that takes place between truth and falsehood. The separation will take place between these two groups and one will be rewarded and the other, those who deny, will be punished. 

The surah also refers to the Battle of Badr, where an army was being gathered to attack Medina. The Battle of Badr took place during Ramadan. Ayah 4 describes the treatment of enemies in and after war. Muhammad was commanded to ask pardon for his sins.

Those who disbelieve and avert [people] from the way of Allāh - He will waste their deeds.
Allazeena kafaroo wa saddoo’an sabeelil laahi adalla a’maalahum
ٱلذين كفروا وصدوا عن سبيل ٱلله أضل أعمـلهم
And those who believe and do righteous deeds and believe in what has been sent down upon Muḥammad - and it is the truth from their Lord - He will remove from them their misdeeds and amend their condition.
Wallazeena aamanoo wa ‘amilus saalihaati wa aamanoo bimaa nuzzila ‘alaa Muhammadinw-wa huwal haqqu mir Rabbihim kaffara ‘anhum saiyiaatihim wa aslaha baalahum
وٱلذين ءامنوا وعملوا ٱلصـلحـت وءامنوا بما نزل على محمد وهو ٱلحق من ربهم كفر عنهم سيـاتهم وأصلح بالهم
That is because those who disbelieve follow falsehood, and those who believe follow the truth from their Lord. Thus does Allāh present to the people their comparisons.
Zaalika bi annal lazeena kafarut taba’ul baatila wa annal lazeena aamanut taba’ul haqqa mir Rabbihim; kazaalika yadribul laahu linnaasi amsaalahum
ذلك بأن ٱلذين كفروا ٱتبعوا ٱلبـطل وأن ٱلذين ءامنوا ٱتبعوا ٱلحق من ربهم كذلك يضرب ٱلله للناس أمثـلهم
So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure [their] bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allāh had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allāh - never will He waste their deeds.
Fa-izaa laqeetumul lazeena kafaroo fadarbar riqaabi, hattaaa izaa askhan tumoohum fashuddul wasaaqa, fa immaa mannnam ba’du wa immaa fidaaa’an hattaa tada’al harbu awzaarahaa; zaalika wa law yashaaa’ul laahu lantasara minhum wa laakin li yabluwa ba’dakum bi ba’d; wallazeena qutiloo fee sabeelil laahi falany yudilla a’maalahum
فإذا لقيتم ٱلذين كفروا فضرب ٱلرقاب حتى إذا أثخنتموهم فشدوا ٱلوثاق فإما منا بعد وإما فداء حتى تضع ٱلحرب أوزارها ذلك ولو يشاء ٱلله لٱنتصر منهم ولـكن ليبلوا بعضكم ببعض وٱلذين قتلوا فى سبيل ٱلله فلن يضل أعمـلهم
He will guide them and amend their condition
Sa-yahdeehim wa yuslihu baalahum
سيهديهم ويصلح بالهم
And admit them to Paradise, which He has made known to them.
Wa yudkhiluhumul jannata ‘arrafahaa lahum
ويدخلهم ٱلجنة عرفها لهم
O you who have believed, if you support Allāh, He will support you and plant firmly your feet.
Yaaa ayyuhal lazeena aamanooo in tansurul laaha yansurkum wa yusabbit aqdaamakum
يـأيها ٱلذين ءامنوا إن تنصروا ٱلله ينصركم ويثبت أقدامكم
But those who disbelieve - for them is misery, and He will waste their deeds.
Wallazeena kafaroo fata’ sal lahum wa adalla a’maalahum
وٱلذين كفروا فتعسا لهم وأضل أعمـلهم
That is because they disliked what Allāh revealed, so He rendered worthless their deeds.
Zaalika bi annahum karihoo maaa anzal allaahu fa ahbata a’maalahum
ذلك بأنهم كرهوا ما أنزل ٱلله فأحبط أعمـلهم
Have they not traveled through the land and seen how was the end of those before them? Allāh destroyed [everything] over them, and for the disbelievers is something comparable.
Afalam yaseeroo fil ardi fayanzuroo kaifa kaana ‘aaqibatul lazeena min qablihim; dammaral laahu ‘alaihim wa lilkaafireena amsaaluhaa
أفلم يسيروا فى ٱلأرض فينظروا كيف كان عـقبة ٱلذين من قبلهم دمر ٱلله عليهم وللكـفرين أمثـلها
That is because Allāh is the protector of those who have believed and because the disbelievers have no protector.
Zaalika bi annal laaha mawlal lazeena aamanoo wa annal kaafireena laa mawlaa lahum (section 1)
ذلك بأن ٱلله مولى ٱلذين ءامنوا وأن ٱلكـفرين لا مولى لهم
Indeed, Allāh will admit those who have believed and done righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow, but those who disbelieve enjoy themselves and eat as grazing livestock eat, and the Fire will be a residence for them.
Innal-laaha yudkhilul lazeena aamanoo wa ‘amilus saalihaati Jannaatin tajree min tahtihal anhaaru wallazeena kafaroo yatamatta’oona wa ya’kuloona kamaa ta’kulul an’aamu wan Naaru maswan lahum
إن ٱلله يدخل ٱلذين ءامنوا وعملوا ٱلصـلحـت جنـت تجرى من تحتها ٱلأنهـر وٱلذين كفروا يتمتعون ويأكلون كما تأكل ٱلأنعـم وٱلنار مثوى لهم
And how many a city was stronger than your city [i.e., Makkah] which drove you out? We destroyed them; and there was no helper for them.
Wa ka ayyim min qaryatin hiya ashaddu quwwatam min qaryatikal lateee akhrajatka ahlaknaahum falaa naasira lahum
وكأين من قرية هى أشد قوة من قريتك ٱلتى أخرجتك أهلكنـهم فلا ناصر لهم
So is he who is on clear evidence from his Lord like him to whom the evil of his work has been made attractive and they follow their [own] desires?
Afaman kaana ‘alaa baiyinatim mir Rabbihee kaman zuyyina lahoo sooo’u ‘amalihee wattaba’ooo ahwaaa’ahum
أفمن كان على بينة من ربهۦ كمن زين لهۥ سوء عملهۦ وٱتبعوا أهواءهم
Is the description of Paradise, which the righteous are promised, wherein are rivers of water unaltered, rivers of milk the taste of which never changes, rivers of wine delicious to those who drink, and rivers of purified honey, in which they will have from all [kinds of] fruits and forgiveness from their Lord... [Are its inhabitants] like those who abide eternally in the Fire and are given to drink scalding water that will sever their intestines?
Masalul jannatil latee wu’idal muttaqoona feehaaa anhaarum min maaa’in ghayri aasininw wa anhaarum mil labanil lam yataghaiyar ta’muhoo wa anhaarum min khamril lazzatin li shaaribeena wa anhaarum min ‘asalim musaffanw wa lahum feeha min kullis samaraati wa maghfiratum mir Rabbihim kaman huwa khaalidun fin naari wa suqoo maaa’an hameeman faqatta’a am’aaa’ahum
مثل ٱلجنة ٱلتى وعد ٱلمتقون فيها أنهـر من ماء غير ءاسن وأنهـر من لبن لم يتغير طعمهۥ وأنهـر من خمر لذة للشـربين وأنهـر من عسل مصفى ولهم فيها من كل ٱلثمرت ومغفرة من ربهم كمن هو خـلد فى ٱلنار وسقوا ماء حميما فقطع أمعاءهم
And among them, [O Muḥammad], are those who listen to you, until when they depart from you, they say to those who were given knowledge, "What has he said just now?" Those are the ones of whom Allāh has sealed over their hearts and who have followed their [own] desires.
Wa minhum mai yastami’u ilaika hattaaa izaa kharajoo min ‘indika qaaloo lil lazeena ootul ‘ilma maazaa qaala aanifaa; ulaaa’ikal lazeena taba’al laahu ‘alaa quloobihim wattaba’ooo ahwaaa’ahum
ومنهم من يستمع إليك حتى إذا خرجوا من عندك قالوا للذين أوتوا ٱلعلم ماذا قال ءانفا أولـئك ٱلذين طبع ٱلله على قلوبهم وٱتبعوا أهواءهم
And those who are guided - He increases them in guidance and gives them their righteousness.
Wallazeenah tadaw zaadahum hudanw wa aataahum taqwaahum
وٱلذين ٱهتدوا زادهم هدى وءاتىهم تقوىهم
Then do they await except that the Hour should come upon them unexpectedly? But already there have come [some of] its indications. Then how [i.e., what good] to them, when it has come, will be their remembrance?
Fahal yanzuroona illas Saa’ata an ta’tiyahum baghtatan faqad jaaa’a ashraatuhaa; fa annaa lahum izaa jaaa’at hum zikraahum
فهل ينظرون إلا ٱلساعة أن تأتيهم بغتة فقد جاء أشراطها فأنى لهم إذا جاءتهم ذكرىهم
So know, [O Muḥammad], that there is no deity except Allāh and ask forgiveness for your sin and for the believing men and believing women. And Allāh knows of your movement and your resting place.
Fa’lam annahoo laaa ilaaha illal laahu wastaghfir lizambika wa lilmu’mineena walmu’minaat; wallaahu ya’lamu mutaqallabakum wa maswaakum (section 2)
فٱعلم أنهۥ لا إلـه إلا ٱلله وٱستغفر لذنبك وللمؤمنين وٱلمؤمنـت وٱلله يعلم متقلبكم ومثوىكم
Those who believe say, "Why has a sūrah not been sent down?" But when a precise sūrah is revealed and battle is mentioned therein, you see those in whose hearts is disease [i.e., hypocrisy] looking at you with a look of one overcome by death. And more appropriate for them [would have been]
Wa yaqoolul lazeena aamanoo law laa nuzzilat Sooratun fa izaaa unzilat Sooratum Muhkamatunw wa zukira feehal qitaalu ra aytal lazeena fee quloobihim maraduny yanzuroona ilaika nazaral maghshiyyi ‘alaihi minal mawti fa’awlaa lahum
ويقول ٱلذين ءامنوا لولا نزلت سورة فإذا أنزلت سورة محكمة وذكر فيها ٱلقتال رأيت ٱلذين فى قلوبهم مرض ينظرون إليك نظر ٱلمغشى عليه من ٱلموت فأولى لهم
Obedience and good words. And when the matter [of fighting] was determined, if they had been true to Allāh, it would have been better for them.
Taa’atunw wa qawlum ma’roof; fa izaa ‘azamal amru falaw sadaqul laaha lakaana khairal lahum
طاعة وقول معروف فإذا عزم ٱلأمر فلو صدقوا ٱلله لكان خيرا لهم
So would you perhaps, if you turned away, cause corruption on earth and sever your [ties of] relationship?
Fahal ‘asaitum in tawallaitum an tufsidoo fil ardi wa tuqatti’ooo arhaamakum
فهل عسيتم إن توليتم أن تفسدوا فى ٱلأرض وتقطعوا أرحامكم
Those [who do so] are the ones that Allāh has cursed, so He deafened them and blinded their vision.
Ulaaa’ikal lazeena la’anahumul laahu fa asammahum wa a’maaa absaarahum
أولـئك ٱلذين لعنهم ٱلله فأصمهم وأعمى أبصـرهم
Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’ān, or are there locks upon [their] hearts?
Afalaa yatadabbaroonal Qur-aana am ‘alaa quloobin aqfaaluhaa
أفلا يتدبرون ٱلقرءان أم على قلوب أقفالها
Indeed, those who reverted back [to disbelief] after guidance had become clear to them - Satan enticed them and prolonged hope for them.
Innal lazeenar taddoo ‘alaaa adbaarihim min ba’di maa tabaiyana lahumul hudash Shaitaanu sawwala lahum wa amlaa lahum
إن ٱلذين ٱرتدوا على أدبـرهم من بعد ما تبين لهم ٱلهدى ٱلشيطـن سول لهم وأملى لهم
That is because they said to those who disliked what Allāh sent down, "We will obey you in part of the matter." And Allāh knows what they conceal.
Zaalika bi annahum qaaloo lillazeena karihoo maa nazzalal laahu sanutee’ukum fee ba’dil amri wallaahu ya’lamu israarahum
ذلك بأنهم قالوا للذين كرهوا ما نزل ٱلله سنطيعكم فى بعض ٱلأمر وٱلله يعلم إسرارهم
Then how [will it be] when the angels take them in death, striking their faces and their backs?
Fakaifa izaa tawaffat humul malaaa’ikatu yadriboona wujoohahum wa adbaa rahum
فكيف إذا توفتهم ٱلملـئكة يضربون وجوههم وأدبـرهم
That is because they followed what angered Allāh and disliked [what earns] His pleasure, so He rendered worthless their deeds.
Zaalika bi annahumut taba’oo maaa askhatal laaha wa karihoo ridwaanahoo fa ahbata a’maalahum (section 3)
ذلك بأنهم ٱتبعوا ما أسخط ٱلله وكرهوا رضونهۥ فأحبط أعمـلهم
Or do those in whose hearts is disease think that Allāh would never expose their [feelings of] hatred?
Am hasibal lazeena fee quloobihim maradun al lany yukhrijal laahu adghaanahum
أم حسب ٱلذين فى قلوبهم مرض أن لن يخرج ٱلله أضغـنهم
And if We willed, We could show them to you, and you would know them by their mark; but you will surely know them by the tone of [their] speech. And Allāh knows your deeds.
Wa law nashaaa’u la-arainaakahum fala ‘araftahum bi seemaahum; wa lata’rifan nahum fee lahnil qawl; wallaahu ya’lamu a’maalakum
ولو نشاء لأرينـكهم فلعرفتهم بسيمـهم ولتعرفنهم فى لحن ٱلقول وٱلله يعلم أعمـلكم
And We will surely test you until We make evident those who strive among you [for the cause of Allāh] and the patient, and We will test your affairs.
Wa lanabluwannakum hattaa na’lamal mujaahideena minkum wassaabireena wa nabluwa akhbaarakum
ولنبلونكم حتى نعلم ٱلمجـهدين منكم وٱلصـبرين ونبلوا أخباركم
Indeed, those who disbelieved and averted [people] from the path of Allāh and opposed the Messenger after guidance had become clear to them - never will they harm Allāh at all, and He will render worthless their deeds.
Innal lazeena kafaroo wa saddoo ‘an sabeelil laahi wa shaaaqqur Rasoola min ba’di maa tabaiyana lahumul hudaa lany yadurrul laaha shai’anw wa sa yuhbitu a’maalahum
إن ٱلذين كفروا وصدوا عن سبيل ٱلله وشاقوا ٱلرسول من بعد ما تبين لهم ٱلهدى لن يضروا ٱلله شيـا وسيحبط أعمـلهم
O you who have believed, obey Allāh and obey the Messenger and do not invalidate your deeds.
Yaaa ayyuhal lazeena aamanoo atee’ul laaha wa atee’ur Rasoola wa laa tubtilooo a’maalakum
يـأيها ٱلذين ءامنوا أطيعوا ٱلله وأطيعوا ٱلرسول ولا تبطلوا أعمـلكم
Indeed, those who disbelieved and averted [people] from the path of Allāh and then died while they were disbelievers - never will Allāh forgive them.
Innal lazeena kafaroo wa saddoo ‘an sabeelil laahi summa maatoo wa hum kuffaarun falany yaghfirallaahu lahum
إن ٱلذين كفروا وصدوا عن سبيل ٱلله ثم ماتوا وهم كفار فلن يغفر ٱلله لهم
So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior; and Allāh is with you and will never deprive you of [the reward of] your deeds.
Falaa tahinoo wa tad’ooo ilas salmi wa antumul a’lawna wallaahu ma’akum wa lany yatirakum a’maalakum
فلا تهنوا وتدعوا إلى ٱلسلم وأنتم ٱلأعلون وٱلله معكم ولن يتركم أعمـلكم
[This] worldly life is only amusement and diversion. And if you believe and fear Allāh, He will give you your rewards and not ask you for your properties.
Innamal hayaatud dunyaa la’ibunw wa lahw; wa in tu’minoo wa tattaqoo yu’tikum ujoorakum wa laa yas’alkum amwaalakum
إنما ٱلحيوة ٱلدنيا لعب ولهو وإن تؤمنوا وتتقوا يؤتكم أجوركم ولا يسـلكم أمولكم
If He should ask you for them and press you, you would withhold, and He would expose your hatred [i.e., unwillingness].
Iny yas’alkumoohaa fa yuhfikum tabkhaloo wa yukhrij adghaanakum
إن يسـلكموها فيحفكم تبخلوا ويخرج أضغـنكم
Here you are - those invited to spend in the cause of Allāh - but among you are those who withhold [out of greed]. And whoever withholds only withholds [benefit] from himself; and Allāh is the Free of need, while you are the needy. And if you turn away [i.e., refuse], He will replace you with another people; then they will not be the likes of you.
Haaa antum haaa’ulaaa’i tud’awna litunfiqoo fee sabeelillaahi faminkum many yabkhalu wa many yabkhal fa innamaa yabkhalu ‘an nafsih; wallaahu Ghaniyyu wa antumul fuqaraaa’; wa in tatawallaw yastabdil qawman ghairakum summa laa yakoonooo amsaalakum (section 4)
هـأنتم هـؤلاء تدعون لتنفقوا فى سبيل ٱلله فمنكم من يبخل ومن يبخل فإنما يبخل عن نفسهۦ وٱلله ٱلغنى وأنتم ٱلفقراء وإن تتولوا يستبدل قوما غيركم ثم لا يكونوا أمثـلكم
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