Surah An-Naml (The Ant) is the 27. surah in Quran.An-Naml surah is listed as the 48. by revelation order.
The meaning of surah An-Naml is The Ant. In total this surah is consist of 93 auahs. You can read An-Naml by
word by word if you would like to examine it in details or click one of the ayahs below to check that
ayah only.
It is agreed to be a Meccan Surah from the middle of the Meccan period. The surah's name is taken from the ants whose conversations were understood by Solomon.
This surah tells stories of the prophets Moses, Solomon, Saleh, and Lot to emphasize the message of monotheism in Arabian and Israelite prophets. The miracles of Moses, described in the Book of Exodus, are mentioned in opposition to the arrogance and disbelief of the Pharaoh.
The surah Naml starts with the declaration of the Quran and how it was sent by God to Muhammad. The surah continues with the story of Moses and Pharoah. It then tells about David and Solomon and how Solomon was able to convince the Queen of Sheba to Islam. The powers of Solomon are especially an interest for anyone reading this surah. Solomon was able to understand animals (hoopoe and ants) and he was able to command men and jinn (unseen).
The surah also talks about other prophets and how their nation did not believe in the prophets and was in results destroyed by God. The surah ends with what will happen to disbelievers and the ayats 91-93 explains that the prophet's duty is only to warn.