Surah Al-Ahzab (The Combined Forces) is the 33. surah in Quran.Al-Ahzab surah is listed as the 90. by revelation order.
The meaning of surah Al-Ahzab is The Combined Forces. In total this surah is consist of 73 auahs. You can read Al-Ahzab by word by word if you would like to examine it in details or click one of the ayahs below to check that ayah only.
It is considered to be a Medinan surah and It is believed to have been revealed right after Surah Imran. The Surah is called Ahzab because of the combined forces (referring to the Quraysh, Arabs and Jews) who fought against Muslims in the battle of the Trench.
This surah mentions what happened at the Battle of the Trench to remind believers of the mercy and power of Allah since Allah made the various tribes who attacked Medina leave.
The Surah addresses a number of social and political issues. It also talks about the practice of child-adoption and marriage customs. Surah makes a point about the wives of Muhammad and they are different from other women and their rewards or punishment will be doubled. It describes who the prophet can marry and how believers should act when visiting the prophet’s household.
The last verse ends with the proclamation that God will punish both hypocrites and idolaters, whether they are men and women, and reward the believers of both genders. Both genders are presented as equal since they are both punished or redeemed without any differences when judged by God.