Surah As-Saf (The Ranks) is the 61. surah in Quran.As-Saf surah is listed as the 109. by revelation order.
The meaning of surah As-Saf is The Ranks. In total this surah is consist of 14 auahs. You can read As-Saf by word by word if you would like to examine it in details or click one of the ayahs below to check that ayah only.
It is considered to be a Medinan Surah as it was believed to be revealed in Medina. The name comes from the fourth ayah.
The Surah strongly encourages Muslims to defend the truth. This may include fighting enemies if they attack or become hostile. The surah tells stories of the Prophet Musa and his adversity with his own people. The surah also mentions Jesus and how he told the good news of the coming of Prophet Muhammad .
The Surah ends with the good news that the true religion will prevail in the end and Allah will give it victory.