Surah An-Nisa (The Women) is the 4. surah in Quran.An-Nisa surah is listed as the 92. by revelation order.
The meaning of surah An-Nisa is The Women. In total this surah is consist of 176 auahs. You can read An-Nisa by word by word if you would like to examine it in details or click one of the ayahs below to check that ayah only.
An-Nisa is believed to be a Medinan surah as This Surah was revealed after the battle of Uhud which took place between the Muslims and the Quraysh idolaters. It mentions the Jews who went against them in Medinah after having lost the battle. The Surah also talks about Christians who start to worship Isa as a part of divination. The title of the Surah derives from the numerous references to women throughout the chapter.
The surah reveals the Islamic perspective of what happened to Jesus compared to how Christianity views his crucifixion. The surah also discusses topics concerning women regarding conditions of marriage, inheritance, marital relations.
The surah mainly talks about the community rules for the newly formed Muslim communities. The necessary changes from Arabic traditions to Islamic rules. The beginning section of this surah talks about dealing fairly with orphan girls (4:2–4) addresses the pre-Islamic Arabic practice of marrying orphan girls to take their property.
Shirk is held to be the worst form of disbelief, and it is identified in the Quran as the only sin that God will not pardon.
Thematically, "an-Nisa" not only addresses concerns about women, but also discusses inheritance, marriage laws, how to deal with children and orphans, legal practices, jihad, relations between Muslim communities and People of the Book, war, and the role of Jesus as a prophet, rather than the son of God as Christians claimed.